Monthly Archives: January 2017

LeetCode Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array II

154. Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array II

Suppose an array sorted in ascending order is rotated at some pivot unknown to you beforehand.

(i.e.,  [0,1,2,4,5,6,7] might become  [4,5,6,7,0,1,2]).

Find the minimum element.

The array may contain duplicates.

Example 1:

Input: [1,3,5]
Output: 1

Example 2:

Input: [2,2,2,0,1]
Output: 0


这一题在LeetCode Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array的基础上,增加了元素可能重复的约束,此时二分判断时,会出现中间元素和边缘元素相等的情况,此时就不能判断应该丢弃哪半部分了。比如[3,3,1,3],中间元素3和右边元素3相等,其实应该丢弃左半部分;又比如[1,3,3],中间元素3和右边元素3相等,其实应该丢弃右半部分。所以遇到中间元素和边缘元素相等时,无法做决定,那么我们只能移动边缘元素,不断的缩小范围,直到中间元素和边缘元素不等。最坏情况是,所有元素都相等时,退化为线性查找了,所以时间复杂度变为了O(n)。

class Solution {
    int findMin(vector<int>& nums)
        int l = 0, r = nums.size() – 1;
        while (l < r) {
            int mid = (l + r) / 2;
            if (nums[mid] > nums[r])
                l = mid + 1;
            else if (nums[mid] < nums[r])
                r = mid;
        return nums[l];



class Solution {
	int findMin(vector<int>& nums) {
		int l = 0, r = nums.size() - 1;
		int ans = nums[0];
		while (l <= r) {
			if (r - l <= 1) {
				return min(nums[l], nums[r]);
			int mid = l + (r - l) / 2;
			if (nums[mid] > nums[r]) {
				l = mid;
			else if (nums[mid] == nums[r]) {
			else {
				r = mid;
		return nums[l];


LeetCode Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array

153. Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array

Suppose an array sorted in ascending order is rotated at some pivot unknown to you beforehand.

(i.e.,  [0,1,2,4,5,6,7] might become  [4,5,6,7,0,1,2]).

Find the minimum element.

You may assume no duplicate exists in the array.

Example 1:

Input: [3,4,5,1,2] 
Output: 1

Example 2:

Input: [4,5,6,7,0,1,2]
Output: 0


class Solution {
  public: int findMin(vector < int > & nums) {
    int ans = nums[0];
    for (int i = 1; i < nums.size(); ++i) {
      if (nums[i] < nums[i– 1]) return nums[i];
    return ans;



class Solution {
  public: int findMin(vector < int > & nums) {
    int l = 0, r = nums.size()– 1;
    while (l < r) {
      int mid = (l + r) / 2;
      if (nums[mid] > nums[r]) l = mid + 1;
      else r = mid;
    return nums[l];


三刷。二分的代码其实很难写得bug free,尤其是上面的代码和正常的二分搜索不太一样。实际上,我们依然可以套用常规二分的方法,只不过需要做两点改动:

  1. 更新l或r时,只更新为mid,而不是mid+1或者mid-1。常规二分搜索是要找target,所以当target!=nums[mid]时,可以直接跳过mid,到mid+1或者mid-1,但是这里需要找最小值,那么,mid就有可能是最小值,所以不能把mid跳过。
  2. 不跳过mid又可能出现死循环的问题,比如[3,1,2],nums[mid]<nums[r],所以r=mid,之后的循环中l和mid都一直等于0,出现死循环。解决的办法也很简单,当r-l<=1时,说明此时最多只有两个数字,简单取min就可以得到最小值了。


class Solution {
	int findMin(vector<int>& nums) {
		int l = 0, r = nums.size() - 1;
		int ans = nums[0];
		while (l <= r) {
			if (r - l <= 1) {
				return min(nums[l], nums[r]);
			int mid = l + (r - l) / 2;
			if (nums[mid] > nums[r]) {
				l = mid;
			else {
				r = mid;
		return nums[l];





class Solution {
    int findMin(vector<int>& numbers)
        int n = numbers.size();
        int l = 0, r = n - 1;
        if (numbers[l] < numbers[r])
            return numbers[l]; // 注意这一句
        while (l <= r) {
            if (r - l <= 1)
                return min(numbers[l], numbers[r]);
            int m = l + (r - l) / 2;
            if (numbers[l] < numbers[m]) { // 左边有序,在右边找
                l = m;
            else { // 左边无序,在左边找
                r = m;
        return 0;


LeetCode Elimination Game

LeetCode Elimination Game There is a list of sorted integers from 1 to n. Starting from left to right, remove the first number and every other number afterward until you reach the end of the list. Repeat the previous step again, but this time from right to left, remove the right most number and every other number from the remaining numbers. We keep repeating the steps again, alternating left to right and right to left, until a single number remains. Find the last number that remains starting with a list of length n. Example:

n = 9,
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
2 4 6 8
2 6

本题介绍了一个消除游戏,就是1~n排列了n个数,先从左往右每隔一个数消除一个(包含1),然后从右往左每隔一个数消除一个(包含最后一个数),如此循环,直到只剩一个数,要求输出这个数。 我一开始以为这是个模拟题,直接用STL的双向链表list模拟了,代码如下: [cpp] class Solution { public: int lastRemaining(int n) { list<int> l; for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)l.push_back(i); while (l.size() != 1) { list<int>::iterator it = l.begin(); while (it != l.end()) { it = l.erase(it); if (it != l.end())++it; } if (l.size() == 1)break; list<int>::reverse_iterator rit = l.rbegin(); while (rit != l.rend()) { rit = list<int>::reverse_iterator(l.erase(–(rit.base()))); if (rit != l.rend())++rit; } if (l.size() == 1)break; } return *l.begin(); } }; [/cpp] 很不幸,本代码提交TLE,超时了。 网上查题解,这个人讲得比较清楚。一开始1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,…,n,第一次从左往右消除之后,剩余2,4,6,8…,n,其实就相当于2*(1,2,3,4,…n/2)。但是这个时候我们要对1,2,3,4,…n/2从右往左消除了,那么从右往左和从左往右消除得到的结果有什么规律呢,他们的结果应该是呈镜像对称的,也就是说如果长度为n/2的话,如果从左往右的结果为x,那么从右往左的结果就应该是n/2+1-x;同理如果从右往左的结果是y的话,那么从左往右的结果就应该是n/2+1-y。 代码实现为: [cpp] class Solution { public: int lastRemaining(int n) { return n == 1 ? 1 : 2 * (n / 2 + 1 – lastRemaining(n / 2)); } }; [/cpp] 本代码提交AC,用时49MS。]]>

LeetCode Repeated Substring Pattern

LeetCode Repeated Substring Pattern Given a non-empty string check if it can be constructed by taking a substring of it and appending multiple copies of the substring together. You may assume the given string consists of lowercase English letters only and its length will not exceed 10000. Example 1:

Input: "abab"
Output: True
Explanation: It's the substring "ab" twice.
Example 2:
Input: "aba"
Output: False
Example 3:
Input: "abcabcabcabc"
Output: True
Explanation: It's the substring "abc" four times. (And the substring "abcabc" twice.)

本题问一个字符串能否由其子串通过复制多次得到。如果能的话,中间肯定有一个字符和第一个字符相同,所以我们只需要遍历中间字符,找到和第一个字符相等的位置,那么这个位置往前就是重复子串pattern,我们再看这个位置往后是否都是pattern的重复。 其实如果字符串确实由pattern重复而来,则这个pattern的长度应该小于等于总长度的一半,所以我们只需要查找总长度的一半来找和第一个字符相同的字符。 完整代码如下: [cpp] class Solution { public: bool repeatedSubstringPattern(string str) { if (str.size() == 1)return false; for (int i = 1; i <= str.size() / 2; ++i) { if (str[i] == str[0]) { string pattern = str.substr(0, i); int j = i; while (j < str.size()) { string sub = str.substr(j, pattern.size()); if (pattern != sub)break; j += pattern.size(); } if (j == str.size())return true; } } return false; } }; [/cpp] 本代码提交AC,用时56MS。]]>

LeetCode Flatten Nested List Iterator

LeetCode Flatten Nested List Iterator Given a nested list of integers, implement an iterator to flatten it. Each element is either an integer, or a list — whose elements may also be integers or other lists. Example 1: Given the list [[1,1],2,[1,1]], By calling next repeatedly until hasNext returns false, the order of elements returned by next should be: [1,1,2,1,1]. Example 2: Given the list [1,[4,[6]]], By calling next repeatedly until hasNext returns false, the order of elements returned by next should be: [1,4,6].

本题自定义了一个【嵌套的整数】,【嵌套的整数】可以是一个真正的整数,也可以是一个包含整数的数组。现在要实现针对【嵌套的整数】的一个迭代器,迭代器包含next()和hasNext()函数。 解题思路是先解析这个【嵌套的整数】数组,解析的方法就是递归的解析,把解析出来的真正的整数存到一个vector数组中。接下来的迭代器就好实现了,用pos表示当前访问的数组下标,next()函数先访问pos指向元素,然后++pos;hasNext()就判断一下pos是否走到末尾了。 完整代码如下: [cpp] class NestedIterator { private: vector<int> vi; int pos; public: void parseNestedInteger(NestedInteger& ni) { if (ni.isInteger())vi.push_back(ni.getInteger()); else { vector<NestedInteger> vni = ni.getList(); for (int i = 0; i < vni.size(); ++i) { parseNestedInteger(vni[i]); } } } NestedIterator(vector<NestedInteger> &nestedList) { for (int i = 0; i < nestedList.size(); ++i) { parseNestedInteger(nestedList[i]); } pos = 0; } int next() { return vi[pos++]; } bool hasNext() { return pos < vi.size(); } }; [/cpp] 本代码提交AC,用时29MS。]]>

LeetCode Gray Code

89. Gray Code

The gray code is a binary numeral system where two successive values differ in only one bit.

Given a non-negative integer n representing the total number of bits in the code, print the sequence of gray code. A gray code sequence must begin with 0.

Example 1:

Input: 2
Output: [0,1,3,2]
00 - 0
01 - 1
11 - 3
10 - 2

For a given n, a gray code sequence may not be uniquely defined.
For example, [0,2,3,1] is also a valid gray code sequence.

00 - 0
10 - 2
11 - 3
01 - 1

Example 2:

Input: 0
Output: [0]
Explanation: We define the gray code sequence to begin with 0.
             A gray code sequence of n has size = 2n, which for n = 0 the size is 20 = 1.
             Therefore, for n = 0 the gray code sequence is [0].

假设一个二进制数为x,则翻转其第i位之后的二进制数为(x&(~(1 << i))) | (~x)&(1 << i),还是有点复杂的。

class Solution {
    void work(vector<int>& ans, unordered_set<int>& codes, int gray, int n)
        for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
            int new_gray = (gray & (~(1 << i))) | (~gray) & (1 << i); // flip i-th bit
            if (codes.find(new_gray) == codes.end()) {
                work(ans, codes, new_gray, n);
    vector<int> grayCode(int n)
        vector<int> ans = { 0 };
        if (n == 0)
            return ans;
        unordered_set<int> codes = { 0 };
        work(ans, codes, 0, n);
        return ans;



class Solution {
    vector<int> grayCode(int n)
        vector<int> ans = { 0 };
        if (n == 0)
            return ans;
        for (int i = 2; i <= n; ++i) {
            int sz = ans.size();
            while (sz–) {
                ans.push_back(ans[sz] | (1 << (i – 1)));
        return ans;


LeetCode Random Pick Index

LeetCode Random Pick Index Given an array of integers with possible duplicates, randomly output the index of a given target number. You can assume that the given target number must exist in the array. Note: The array size can be very large. Solution that uses too much extra space will not pass the judge. Example:

int[] nums = new int[] {1,2,3,3,3};
Solution solution = new Solution(nums);
// pick(3) should return either index 2, 3, or 4 randomly. Each index should have equal probability of returning.
// pick(1) should return 0. Since in the array only nums[0] is equal to 1.

题意:一个数组中有好多数,有些数会有重复,现给定一个target,要从数组中出现target的下标中随机选一个下标出来。 常规解法是,把每个数出现的下标存到一个index二维数组中,至于哪个数存到index的哪个桶里,用一个字典来记录数字和存储位置的关系。然后来一个target时,找到出现target的下标的数组,从数组中随机选一个下标出来。这种思路的代码如下: [cpp] class Solution { private: unordered_map<int, int> dict; vector<vector<int>> index; public: Solution(vector<int> nums) { int pos = 1; for (int i = 0; i < nums.size(); ++i) { if (dict[nums[i]] == 0)dict[nums[i]] = pos++; } index.resize(dict.size() + 1); for (int i = 0; i < nums.size(); ++i) { index[dict[nums[i]]].push_back(i); } } int pick(int target) { int n = index[dict[target]].size(); return index[dict[target]][rand() % n]; } }; [/cpp] 本代码提交之后MLE,内存超了,但是好像所有测试样例都通过了。 看了一下tag,发现需要用到水塘抽样,正好刷过的LeetCode Linked List Random Node用到了这种采样方法。思路马上来了:每次来了一个target,遍历原数组,每遇到一个target,则用水塘采样的方法采样一次下标,最终的效果就相当于从所有出现target的下标中随机采样。这种思路真是妙呀,代码如下: [cpp] class Solution { private: vector<int> mNums; public: Solution(vector<int> nums) { mNums = nums; } int pick(int target) { int n = 0; int ans = 0; for (int i = 0; i < mNums.size(); i++) { if (mNums[i] == target) { ++n; int r = rand() % n; if (r == 0)ans = i; } } return ans; } }; [/cpp] 本代码提交AC,用时99MS。不过我觉得,如果要多次调用pick函数的话,多一点空间,使用第一种解法应该会快很多,因为第一种解法只需要初始化的时候构建hash和index二维数组,后续的pick都是常数时间,而第二种解法每次都需要遍历数组,效率不高。]]>

LeetCode Linked List Random Node

LeetCode Linked List Random Node Given a singly linked list, return a random node’s value from the linked list. Each node must have the same probability of being chosen. Follow up: What if the linked list is extremely large and its length is unknown to you? Could you solve this efficiently without using extra space? Example:

// Init a singly linked list [1,2,3].
ListNode head = new ListNode(1); = new ListNode(2); = new ListNode(3);
Solution solution = new Solution(head);
// getRandom() should return either 1, 2, or 3 randomly. Each element should have equal probability of returning.

本题要从一个链表中随机取一个数。常规解法是先遍历一遍链表,得到链表长度n,然后rand()%n确定随机取的节点位置,最后遍历链表找到第rand()%n个数。 但是这种解法肯定不是大家想要的,Follow up里提到,如果链表很长,没法提前知道链表长度,该怎么办呢?查阅题解才发现需要用到一个叫做水塘抽样的方法,这篇博客介绍得挺详细的。简单来说,就是假设有n个节点(n提前不知道),我们希望每个节点被采样的概率都是1/n,我们可以这样做,遍历到第i个节点时,以概率1/i采样i号节点。我们来算一算第i号节点被采样的概率=遍历到第i号节点时,要被采样,且后面节点都不被采样,公式为: $$!\frac{1}{i}*\frac{i}{i+1}*\frac{i+1}{i+2}*…*\frac{n-1}{n}=\frac{1}{n}$$ 即每个节点被采样到的概率都等于$$\frac{1}{n}$$。 具体怎样实现以$$\frac{1}{i}$$采样呢,我们可以令k=rand()%i,则k随机分布在[0,i-1],所以k==0的概率就是$$\frac{1}{i}$$。完整代码如下: [cpp] class Solution { private: ListNode* mhead; public: /** @param head The linked list’s head. Note that the head is guaranteed to be not null, so it contains at least one node. */ Solution(ListNode* head) { mhead = head; } /** Returns a random node’s value. */ int getRandom() { int ans = mhead->val, n = 2; ListNode* cur = mhead->next; while (cur) { int r = rand() % n; if (r == 0)ans = cur->val; cur = cur->next; ++n; } return ans; } }; [/cpp] 本代码提交AC,用时49MS。]]>

LeetCode Decode String

LeetCode Decode String Given an encoded string, return it’s decoded string. The encoding rule is: k[encoded_string], where the encoded_string inside the square brackets is being repeated exactly k times. Note that k is guaranteed to be a positive integer. You may assume that the input string is always valid; No extra white spaces, square brackets are well-formed, etc. Furthermore, you may assume that the original data does not contain any digits and that digits are only for those repeat numbers, k. For example, there won’t be input like 3a or 2[4]. Examples:

s = "3[a]2[bc]", return "aaabcbc".
s = "3[a2[c][/c]]", return "accaccacc".
s = "2[abc]3[cd]ef", return "abcabccdcdcdef".

题意:要求把加密的字符串解密。加密规则是重复k次的子串str写成k[str],方括号可能会有嵌套。 所以我们需要解析加密字符串,把方括号中的内容提取出来,然后复制k份,因为有嵌套,面对括号匹配问题,堆栈是最好的解决办法。我们不断把字符串压栈,直到遇到],从栈中不断弹出,直到遇到[,期间的字符串就是我们要重复的str,然后弹出k,重复k次,把重复的字符串再次压栈。如此不断循环,最后只要把栈中的字符串连接起来就好了。 完整代码如下: [cpp] class Solution { public: string decodeString(string s) { stack<string> stk; for (int i = 0; i < s.size(); ++i) { if (s[i] != ‘]’)stk.push(string(1, s[i])); else { string cur = ""; while ( != "[") { // stk不可能为空 cur = + cur; stk.pop(); } stk.pop(); string cnt = ""; while (!stk.empty() && isdigit([0])) { // 此处stk可能为空 cnt = + cnt; stk.pop(); } int n = atoi(cnt.c_str()); string repeated = ""; while (n–)repeated += cur; stk.push(repeated); } } string ans = ""; while (!stk.empty()) { ans = + ans; stk.pop(); } return ans; } }; [/cpp] 本代码提交AC,用时3MS。]]>

LeetCode Convert a Number to Hexadecimal

LeetCode Convert a Number to Hexadecimal Given an integer, write an algorithm to convert it to hexadecimal. For negative integer, two’s complement method is used. Note:

  1. All letters in hexadecimal (a-f) must be in lowercase.
  2. The hexadecimal string must not contain extra leading 0s. If the number is zero, it is represented by a single zero character '0'; otherwise, the first character in the hexadecimal string will not be the zero character.
  3. The given number is guaranteed to fit within the range of a 32-bit signed integer.
  4. You must not use any method provided by the library which converts/formats the number to hex directly.
Example 1:
Example 2:

题意:把一个十进制数转换为十六进制数。如果是负数,则用补码的二进制转换为十六进制。简单题,因为计算机内存存储的就是补码,所以我们只需要取出每4bit,转换为十六进制就好。4bit对应的十六进制字符,可以提前用一个字典(或数组)存储好。 完整代码如下: [cpp] class Solution { public: string toHex(int num) { if (num == 0)return "0"; vector<string> dict = { "0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","a","b","c","d","e","f" }; int mask = 0xf; string ans = ""; for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { if (num == 0)break; ans = dict[num&mask] + ans; num >>= 4; } return ans; } }; [/cpp] 本代码提交AC,用时3MS。]]>