5454. Least Number of Unique Integers after K Removals
Given an array of integers arr
and an integer k
. Find the least number of unique integers after removing exactly k
Example 1:
Input: arr = [5,5,4], k = 1 Output: 1 Explanation: Remove the single 4, only 5 is left.
Example 2:
Input: arr = [4,3,1,1,3,3,2], k = 3 Output: 2 Explanation: Remove 4, 2 and either one of the two 1s or three 3s. 1 and 3 will be left.
1 <= arr.length <= 10^5
1 <= arr[i] <= 10^9
0 <= k <= arr.length
class Solution {
int findLeastNumOfUniqueInts(vector<int>& arr, int k) {
int n = arr.size();
vector<pair<int, int>> num_counts;
unordered_map<int, int> hash;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)++hash[arr[i]];
for (unordered_map<int, int>::iterator it = hash.begin(); it != hash.end(); ++it) {
num_counts.push_back(make_pair(it->second, it->first));
sort(num_counts.begin(), num_counts.end());
int m = num_counts.size(), sum = 0;
if (k == 0)return m;
else if (k == n)return 0;
for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i) {
sum += num_counts[i].first;
if (sum == k)return m - i - 1;
else if (sum > k)return m - i;
return 0;